Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time to Reflect: Step 131

Nature is filled with apt analogies to life. One that often comes to my mind is the voyage at sea. When we set out on a journey in life we attempt to maintain an even keel, work to steer our rudder in the right direction and pray for steady winds.

Most of the time we move forward through the constant waves that lap up on either side of the bow and lie flat in our wake. Sometimes we must tack back and forth to go a short distance until a gentle breeze pushes us ahead along a steady course. Nearly all of us can weather the occasional downpour in our path, but when tossed around by the persistent pounding of the storm only those with stubborn tenacity or pure calm in their soul will prevail.

As my week has gone by the tasks have progressed from the welcome breeze to a continuous series of downpours. My inspiration to carry on comes from an actor whose life shifted from playing a superhero on the silver screen to being one in real life. Christopher Reeve said, “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

So far, I am happy to report, my struggle has not reached the point of overwhelming obstacles. As stated last week in my reflection I plan to continue to write my life story, but also create a second blog that develops a dialogue with readers regarding “why not” fill the streets with electric cars, have the best health care system in the world, reward kindergarten teachers and college professors with the same kind of signing bonuses and compensation packages we give to LeBron James, Alex Rodriguez or Miley Cyrus?

Unfortunately my technical skills have fallen off since my days as a sysop for an elementary school or assistant in a computer lab at the University of Wisconsin. For the past few days I have struggled to set up a program called WordPress on my Macintosh computer. My intention was to design a blog offline and push it into the blogosphere. Many readers will not have the slightest idea what I just said, and that is fine. Just be sure to hang in there with me during this next week as I work to make this new dimension of blogging a reality.

Over the course of the past 131 days the wonderful people of Blogger have graciously allowed me to write Every Step of the Way for you at absolutely no cost to me. I am not sure how much longer this arrangement will stay in place despite the fact that they ask not one cent, and their only compensation as far as I know is having blogspot in the URL.

My commentary tomorrow and continuing personal journey will continue through at least the next week and will appear at this same site. Be prepared for updates on any new developments.

Questions or comments are appreciated.

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